Thursday 13 October 2011

Best No-Gi Class I've taught to date.

Yesterday I was shattered, I walk out of Dalston Kingsland Station with idiosyncrasies similar to the Dustin Hoffman from Rain Man. I just couldn't focus. I down a mighty malt and two fresh figs. No lesson plan, no motivation, and mentally fatigued. But this ends up being the best session so far.

Warm up: Rolling forward, backward, tornado rolls
Drill: No-gi 101 drill (love this drill, and keep coming back to it)
Technique: 1. Kimora attack after peeling elbow during guard pass 2.Triangle attack from last set up

Sparring: x3 pairs on mats, winner stays on (positional, starting from closed guard) First to improve position which would score points in a comp gets you a win. I.e taking side, mount, back, sweep etc
submissions added 15 minutes in.
If I saw a key error, I'd cover very quickly what went wrong in a one to one then have them join back of que. This worked really well.

Quick Group Q&A (5min): How do I sweep from guard ? I demo the scissor sweep (adapted for no-gi)

Cool Down & Stretch (10-15min): Walking with focus on breath work to lower heart rate. Stretches focusing on groin, ham strings and calves.

Friday 7 October 2011

Stacking functions, food, clothing, repping CGM.

Coach gave me an AWESOME gift a while back. One of the first black FaixaRua gi's. This is a double weight weave beast of a gi, and by the time we get to sparring feels like rolling in a weighted vest. But I love it. Only down side is the tad bit of extra space it takes up in the gym bag, which is a pain when your squeezing in work laptop, training gear, on average three packed meals, so today was jeans for Genes day, I rocked the gi pants, which may as well be denim, thobe, gi jacket as a blazer. Just made sense, don't worry I had an over jacket on during journey on bus. But having the gi hanging off my work chair repping the firm, it's hardcore. Oh well.